8 min read
August 30, 2023


Creative technology has revolutionized the way we interact with smart devices. From touchscreens to voice recognition and gesture control, innovation has made our daily lives easier and more efficient.

With innovation, though, comes challenges. The (Internet of Things) IoT’s early adoption in the mid-2010s led to a fragmented ad ecosystem that became more apparent as the popularity of smart devices began to grow.

Allied Market Research reported that the global streaming devices market is estimated to reach $18.97 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2020 to 2027. According to MoEngage, mobile users now spend more time on their devices than watching TV. That trend will continue to rise with the growth of Gen Z and the emergence of Gen Alpha.

The popularity of smart devices plus the fragmented advertising ecosystem forced innovation in ad tech. But as consumer adoption continues to grow rapidly with each generation, ad tech innovation desperately needs to keep up, maybe, even get ahead. Understanding the impact that mobile has, and will have, on future generations, and the potential that mobile devices have for innovation, mCanvas’ sensor tech was built putting immersive user experiences first.

the attention challenge on mobile: putting user experiences first

Smart device adoption and growth cannot be ignored, but increased adoption and growth of mobile devices come with challenges. Consumers are harder to reach; attention spans are lower and multi-device usage is growing. Find out more in our Attention VS Viewability blog.

WARC exclusive research with MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) and Advertising Research Foundation suggests that advertisers have less time than they think to influence consumers on mobile.

The human brain only needs 400 milliseconds (i.e. 0.4 seconds) to engage with mobile ads and trigger an imprint – be it positive or negative.

But marketers and advertisers usually develop 15-30 second creatives as the media strategy for their brands, or lately even 06/07 second strategies. To make an actual impact on mobile, brands need to develop campaign strategies for that “first one second!”

what happens when consumers are invited to engage with brands – versus being forced to?

A Google search for “people hate advertising” yields 400M results.

But do people really hate ads? Or do they hate bad advertising?

What people hate is advertising that’s irrelevant and disruptive

Sensor-driven technology can help solve this problem. What if ads could be as entertaining, with actual content that users love? Ads that do not entertain, aid or inform will fail to resonate with consumers.

According to 3rd party studies, mCanvas has achieved 25% higher brand lift and 29% higher purchase intent than competitors, proving that our sensor-driven technology drives lift across every primary purchase metric, shown below as compared to non-interactive ads.

consumers are hungry for immersive experiences; ready with digital wallets

Gen Z was born into a world of UI/UX innovation and they expect and demand immersive experiences from brands. Entertain them, help them, inform them, or get out of their way.

A SurveyMonkey study uncovered that shopping websites are the top source of inspiration for purchases across all generations, with Gen Z leading the pack at 51%, followed closely by Millennials at 49%, Gen X at 45%, Boomers at 45% and the Silent Generation at 38%.

Respondents who leveraged interactive content experienced 94% more content views than those leveraging traditional, static content. Creativity that resonates, informs, and entertains is essential to building trust and positive sentiment with future generations. Explore how your brand can connect with Gen Z and Millennials using innovative mobile ads.

Better ad experiences lead to increased brand trust because they create positive interactions, demonstrate a user-centric approach, emphasize transparency and quality, reduce intrusiveness, and foster emotional connections. With brand trust, comes increased loyalty, sentiment and revenue.

  • 79% of smartphone users have made a purchase on their mobile device in the last 6 months.
  • 50% of all e-comm purchases in the previous holiday season were made on smartphones.
    (source: outerboxdesign)

go beyond attention on mobile – with interaction

Rooted in creative science, we believe that when brands create meaningful, helpful, or entertaining advertising experiences, users don’t just take notice, they engage.

mCanvas’ full-screen ad formats across premium publishers ensure that immersive experiences take centre stage. Brands should demand ads that go beyond capturing attention.

Interactive ads have been proven to extend user attention spans by an impressive 47% compared to non-interactive ads.

(*Source: The Interactive Effect By Tremor Video Dsp, Magna, IPG Media)

Immersive storytelling is a key component of mCanvas’ innovative tech. Our award-winning team builds brand creatives that leverage interactive phone sensors, AR/ VR, QR codes, and more – inviting users to interact with the brand creative.

In fact, Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing the way customers interact with products and brands. Over 40% of consumers said they would be willing to pay more for a product if they could experience it with AR/ VR.

As consumers continue to expect immersive experiences that are personalized, it will become more important than ever to find a unified way of collecting and analyzing data across devices to understand timing and behaviours. Overall, the ability to deliver personalized and timely content across devices is a dynamic area that requires a balance between understanding user preferences and respecting their privacy. As technology continues to evolve, finding innovative ways to bridge the gap between user expectations and technical feasibility will remain a key challenge for marketers.

an engaging FIFA mobile experience

The Nutmeg Challenge campaign by Pepsi combined immersive experiences, gameplay and personalized messaging creating an unforgettable connection and impact with target audiences, during the FIFA World Cup.

Users were prompted to nutmeg opponents through precise aiming and tapping, leveraging on-screen mobile sensors The interactive brand experience elicited a competitive emotion from users, driving user engagement to new heights reaching 5.4 MN users with a CTR of 8.5%, 42X above industry benchmarks, and a higher than average time of 18 seconds.

Such interactive ads by mCanvas spark curiosity, challenge users, and offer rewards, by increasing user engagement.

leverage mCanvas tech to amplify human interaction

On average, we are exposed to between 6,000 and 10,000 ads daily. This is too much for the human brain to process effectively, so most ads are either ignored or forgotten.

With mCanvas’ innovative and interactive ads, brands will drive higher impact by tapping into:

mCanvas’ tech leverages granular targeting, APIs, immersive mobile sensors and identity solutions that seamlessly reach consumers across multiple devices, while measuring nuanced data for optimization and brand privacy.

Let mCanvas reshape how your brand engages with your audience, to ensure human interaction and make an unforgettable impact.

Are you ready to captivate, engage, and inspire? For more information or to request a meeting with mCanvas, reach out to sales@mcanvas.com

craft immersive ad experiences for your brand, with us!

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